Friday, June 22, 2007


Well thts a cliche topic but lemme tell u this,i just had the most awesom fun today watching a tv serial..hehe dont believe it???listen to me and ull lookout fr this one/!!!


The serial ironically is called theen bahuraaniyen,one f those erials u never ever wanna get a glimpse on ,even if they r prepared to pay you 1000000000bucks fr evry minute u watch it..Enuf f bullshit ,now lets come to ma sitn..this serial starts f with a granny celebratin her cameraman keeps shiftin his focus to the less old lookin but very very disgustin bahu who has an expression equivalent to gettin a dead dog slapped on her face...wat she s doin though is hmm hu knows....anyway meanwhile,smone surprisingly has th brilliant idea f checkin the trash can in th middle f all the celebrations ,which by th way is perfectly clean (this is india im talkin abt!!)..and happens to hav a single shell in it...she shouts..with a trash can in her hand and a ten thousand rupee saree on her body..."arey daadi ke cake mein andaa haaaai".ie " egg in th granny s cake.."..the poor old vegetarian grunts like a disgruntled elephant and reamains frozen in th frame for about 5 seconds which the sound effect crew utilizes to th full by playin all possible thunder frequencies..the director must hav realised by now tht his story is not goin anywhere and hence decides to add flavor(god frbid) by introducin some more characters on screen..
By the way i dint really know tht ther cud be 10 ppl in a room perfectly able no one dumb,none deaf,_i really dint know tht all they wud do is stand in the attention position with an expression as if they wer all suspectin themselves fr this unforgivable crime...THTs wat u call a thriller...i really had no clue to hu had done it...the saans th bahu yah th rich lady holdin th trash idea...

thats too much fr today ...
it put a lil bit f self esteem into me i shud say....all losers like me,watch this serial and find smne to laugh at!!
(dey jc..had to write this,it was too funny only ...)